Protecting Our Shore: 1987 Shoreline Restoration

In 1987, Lake Forest residents invested in a large-scale restoration project to protect Forest Park Beach from erosion. Record high lake levels had destroyed the beach and bluffs were wearing away.

Erosion on the bluff at Villa Turicum, 1975.
Lake Forest Mayor Frank Farwell put together the Shoreline Restoration Advisory Committee to build up the 3,400-foot beach. An $8.5 million bond plus $300,000 in donations from residents allowed for offshore breakwaters and onshore stone revetments.

1986 - shoreline work in progress.

Aerial view looking southwest, September 1987.

Aerial view looking northwest, beach work in progress, winter 1986-87.
Along with the new technology, changes included a protected boat basin and boat launch, a beach house, lawn area, wood walkways, overlooks, and a waterfront promenade.
The beach reopened for the 1987 season and brought 200,000 visitors.