LFLB History Museum

The Competition: Des Plaines Camp Meeting

Des Plaines Camp Meeting.

The Des Plaines (IL) Camp Meeting, founded 10 years before Lake Bluff, is still in operation today. Although several Protestant denominations participated in the early meetings of the Des Plaines Camp Meeting, it was the Methodists who continued the practice. The early meetings were held in tents along the Des Plaines River, mostly tent cities or temporary arrangements that offered overnight accommodations for the week-long meeting. Gradually permanent structures, such as tabernacles for the services and cottages for residences, were constructed.

Map of the Des Plaines Camp Meeting.
The principal religious structure at the Des Plaines Camp ground is the Waldorf Tabernacle.

The group that formed the Lake Bluff Camp Meeting Association hoped the Des Plaines camp would be sold. However, the Des Plaines camp fought back and successfully advertised to attract more visitors. Thereafter, the Lake Bluff and Des Plaines had a competitive relationship and were considered rivals.